We have puppies! (Ginger's litter)Judy MillerSep 19, 2021On September 10th, Ginger birthed 5 boys and 6 girls! We're so excited to have a new litter. Applications are now open and puppies will be assigned on a first-come basis. Their father is Wyatt:Ginger's Clearances.pdfDownload PDF • 4.02MBWyatt's Clearances.pdfDownload PDF • 408KB
On September 10th, Ginger birthed 5 boys and 6 girls! We're so excited to have a new litter. Applications are now open and puppies will be assigned on a first-come basis. Their father is Wyatt:Ginger's Clearances.pdfDownload PDF • 4.02MBWyatt's Clearances.pdfDownload PDF • 408KB