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  • Writer's pictureJudy Miller

We have 5 puppies looking for their forever homes!

Hello Millergoldens family!

I just wanted to give an update on my puppy status. As you know we had two beautiful litters from Dream and Dori. 16 puppies altogether!! Eleven have found their forever homes, so I have five that are still looking for theirs. I feel like I am raising a whole other family! They feel like my babies and I want to make sure that they all are placed safe and sound.

I am sending some pictures of the ones that are currently available. I have one lovely female and four gorgeous males! I know it’s a big decision and commitment but one that pays lasting dividends!

If you or someone you know are looking to find the love of your life and forever friend please reach out to me and we can find a time for you to come and meet the family! 802-380-3595.

Please review the puppy application as there are recent updates.

Warmly and sincerely,



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